Strategy Bibliography

Table of Contents

External Sources – Things I didn’t write


“What is Strategy” by Michael E. Porter.

A short article that cuts like a knife. This is the HBR classic that you definitely need to re-read. Every year.


“The Goal” by Eliyahu M. Goldratt.

This book covers more than just strategy. Love it or hate it, the Theory of Constraints has to be at the front of your mind when you’re working on your next round of strategic planning. I recommend the graphic novel version. Don’t read the novel version unless you’re reading is as part of a guided study group. Destined to be on the Operations Bibliography as well.

“Good to Great” by Jim Collins.

This is my #1 book recommendation for anyone who wants to improve their business. It’s full of data, but this author and his team actually use the data to tell compelling stories about why things work. Internalize this information. It will serve you well.

Things I’ve written on the subject